HVO Fuel Newcastle Upon Tyne
More companies and local authorities need HVO fuel in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne as the clean burn and eco benefits of this renewable diesel are more appreciated.
This is hardly surprising as fleet managers or households from Alnwick to North Shields, Jarrow, Durham, and Sunderland can see that using existing diesel vehicles with a different fuel is arguably more sustainable than buying EV or hybrids. With HVO you simply fill up and go, no changes to tanks, engines, or injectors are required.
Hydrotreated vegetable oil is a high purity synthetic diesel fuel that is made from waste products and residues like used cooking oil, wood, and fish waste, it is a light and consistent product useable in any diesel engine; newer vehicles will show the XTL logo.
The XTL logo on a fuel flap is the sign that the manufacturer has in mind the use of a synthetic (man-made) diesel fuel like HVO that meets the specification EN15940: 2016; this fuel is miscible with normal fossil diesel fuel in any proportion.
Offering remarkable cold weather performance, much lower PM emissions and air pollution, and exceptionally good storage characteristics, HVO resists growing diesel bug and is perfect for backup generators at hospitals or data centre sites.
There are starting to be more forecourts that sell HVO at the pump but this is still only 40-50 in the whole country so if you are wondering where to buy HVO fuel then we offer 20 litre jerrycans or arrange delivery of 500 to 38,000 litres via road tankers UK-wide.
Please be free to call us on 01228 915048 or email oil@lubiq.uk for a quotation.